This blog is really late, but being retired keeps me really busy.
Our entry to the annual Voyager DooDah parade was a reenactment of the Kentucky Derby and 11 ladies were the Derby Divas. Our derby dresses were bought at our local Goodwill and our hats were also originals, some came from Goodwill and others came from our closets. We each decorated our hat either from the Dollar Store, Goodwill or deep within our closets. Our lace gloves came from the Dollar Store, some matched our outfits and others were made to clash. ( I had light pink gloves and an orange chiffon dress). Yes, I was a clasher but none the less, a Derby Diva for the day!!!
Our Diva leader Renae!!
Derby Diva's
Angela was our jockey and she raced her purple horse named Flossy. Her husband, Keith shoveled up the POOP from the horse. (One of the other Derby Diva's and her husband, went to a horse farm and got the real stuff.) It was such fun to participate..
One of our Diva's was a retired music teacher and she printed the song "Old Kentucky Home". Ron printed the song on one side and on the other side was the Kentucky racing form. We Diva's sang Old Kentucky Home right before the bugler announced the race was to begin. I personally can't carry a song in a bucket, so I felt really sorry for all the parade watchers that were near me when we broke into song.
Once the race started all of us we yelling "Go Flossy!! and jumping up and down and throwing our arms around. Just picture this; 11 gray haired ladies in their finest clothes and hats, jumping and yelling " go flossy"..It was so much fun. We paraded through the park and ended up at the Ballroom. 
There were many categories, we entered the one that we were sure to win. (we were the only one in the category)
Here is our winning trophy.
Our plans for next year's parade are already in the making!!!