Monday, April 30, 2012

Capital of Nebraska

Prior to our 1100 tour of the Nebraka capital, the  informationlady at the desk told us that at the 1100 tour there was going to be 71 school childeren and that we should see the Memorial Chamber on the 14th floor. The elevator was really small, looked like it would only hold about 4-5 people and it was really old. The elevator brought us to the top of the capital and within 15-20 steps we were on a balcony that surrounded the outside. It was still a bit foggy when we were up there, but the view was breathtaking from all 4 sides. We snagged a lady to take our picture, she was the only person we saw-I felt sorry for her-she had a her baby in one arm and our camera in the other.

The Southern View off the balcony of the Capital-our car is the 3rd one from the left.

 The view going west
 The Memorial Chamber is devoted to the "heroic career and the consulation of noble commemoration". There is a total of 8 muriels in the dome and each one depict an orginal theme. These pictures do not do them justice. Every capital we go to we say "this is the best so far"

 We met up with the tour and the lady in the white shirt and black pants was the tour director. She was entertaining, interesting and had the 4th graders eating out of her hand-she did a great job.
 One of the hand painted murials in the main hallways on the main floor.
 Nebraska is the only state that the legislature meets Unicameral since 1937.

We were in the back of all the children and did not here what this door was all about-but it was so striking that I needed to take a piture
This is the Hall of Honor for Nebraska-the busts that were done had such fine detail.

This is the view lookimg across from a balon in the main entry way
Both or these pictures are taken looking down at the floor mosac which represents Cosmic Energy
On the 3rd floor was the law library and prior to overhead lights being installed, people would take the handle and lift the light bulb away from the wall and use it to read the books that they needed. The law library is not used very much now, because so much of the info that the attorneys use is on line.
We came in the back entrance and left thru the front door.
Interesting art work across the street from the capital.
Nebraska State Capital
This Musem was very interesting and well worth the time it took us to find it.
Original exibits of  roller skates from the 1800's until the present.

We leave in the am for Topeka, Kansas

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