Monday, May 28, 2012

We are leaving the Honey Bend resort tomorrow at o' dark thirty for a 250 mile day, we will end up in Indianapolis, Indiana. There was lots to do at this resort although we had our own agenda going. The thing that was the real bunk was we were parked just off a dirt/gravel road that folks used as a speedway in their golf carts and yikes did we have the dust. We have never seen so many campers that use golf carts as their main mode of transportation around the park.

This was our view to the left of our front window and to the right of this view is a cemetery-it was beautifully groomed with many flowers and wreathes on the headstones.

Again we were parked next to a railroad track and the trains were very active,
at night we were so tired the train noise did not keep us awake.
These are pictures around the park. They rent cabins around this small lake.
They stock it each spring with nice size fish.

They have paddle boats and an 18 hole putt putt golf course.

DQ was having a sale on bannana splits ansd it was lunchtime. How could we resist?

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