Thursday, July 26, 2012

Albany, New York State capital

The capitol of New York looked more like a castle behind a mote than any capitals that we have toured. The architecture style was done by 3 different architect's with 3 different ideas on what period that they were going to use. It was a beautiful building and with my untrained eye it flowed together smoothly.

This is Senate assembly room.

In the senate assembly room the acoustics were perfect, so anyone that talks in the main room can be heard in the whole room. There were 2 fireplaces in the room and they were never used for fires, but they are used for "whisper areas". You can go in them (they are over 6' tall and can easily hold 2-3 people) and your conversation can not be heard by any one in the main senate room.

The main hallway on the second floor

This is the representative chamber and I got to hole the gavel this time.

This is the New York state seal and it is located in the governors outer office.

Original lighting above the "million dollar staircase"

This staircase cost a million dollars to make, it is made of  hand carved red sandstone.

We saw those links when we went to the Military Academy at West Port, but we were not able to get a decent picture. I was really glad to get an opportunity to take this picture.

The EGG is used for musicals, plays, comedians and other types if performances.

This was a beautiful memorial, next door to the NY state museum.

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