Monday, July 23, 2012

West Point, New York

On Sunday July 22 we toured the Naval academy at West Point. We waited in line for the tickets and the tour was well worth the wait. We had nice weather, not too hot nor too humid. Again, the amount of tourists at the visitors center and through out the academy were unbelievable. I will never again complain about the crowds in the NW. It was not uncommon for people to just attempt to plow over the top of us, to get us to move in single file, while they walked 3-4 abreast!!

Cadet's non-denominational church, it was very impressive!

Outside the church, The church holds 1500 people.

Housing for the 4000 cadet's.

View of the Hudson River from " Trophy Point"

View of the football and soccer field of the academy as we drove home.

Another view of the Hudson River and the valley. We had a fun day and again learned so much.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy and Ron,

    I am getting an education from your blog! It's always so much fun to see what you are seeing and doing. What an adventure! And thanks for looking at my blog, too. They are fun to do, aren't they? I sure hope we can see you again some day, too.
