Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Touring Vermont

Today was not a day for history, it was a day for the here and now. The first tour of the day was the Vermont Teddy Bear facility. It was fascinating and all the Vermont Teddy Bears are hand made, now I know why they are so expensive.
This young man helped Ron make his golfer bear and the young lady below helped my make my girl golfer. The girl bear is named Verma and the boy bear is named Monty. (Vermont). We had such fun!

Next on our itinerary was a tour of the Ben and Jerry ice cream factory, it was also interesting, but the best part was the free sample of ice cream at the end.
The third tour (we thought) was going to be the Green Mountain Coffee factory. When we arrived it was not a tour of the factory (as advertised) it was a small room with pictures of the process of procuring the coffee bean. The coffee bean is actually inside a berry!

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