Monday, September 17, 2012

Schoodic Pennisula, Acadia National Park

We took a day trip to the Schoodic Peninsula which is part of the Acadia National Park. The scenery was breathtaking and the weather was perfect. We had a wonderful day fun day.

 Many of the yards we have seen have big rocks in the middle,
 we wonder how the people keep their lawn mower blades sharp!
The following pictures are taken along the shoreline, so much of the Maine scenery is so like home, but this shoreline looks more like the Oregon coast than our Washington coast. 
 On our way out of the park we saw this lobster boat in action, we watched him
pull lobster pots in, take out lobster and throw some of them back, it was such fun. 
Many of the homes have shake siding that is not painted, we thought it was
odd at first, but now we both like the looks. Looks like "Maine" to us. 
 Once we were out of the park we drove by this house that had different
colored porcelain toilets with plastic flowers in the toilets.
Some people and their yard art!I just needed to share with you all.
Yard art of another form.

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