Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The New River Gorge Bridge -Bridge Walk WV

On Monday the 1st of October we drove from Charleston WV to Fayette WV to  do the "Bridge Walk" and stayed at the River Expeditions RV park. It was unique-our parking place was up a steep hill and no matter what we did we could not get the rig level. 
"Walking the Bridge"  was an experience that we will never forget. We put safety harnesses on and when we got to the bridge  the guide attached us to a safety wires in the overhead. Once we were all buckled in we started the walk-our guide was in front then me and Ron and then the rest of the folks.  It is the 3rd highest bridge in the US, it was really scary at times, with the 18 wheelers crossing the bridge above us and the vibration that went with it. At one point we were 876 feet above the river-needless to say it was a real slow walk for us. It took almost 2.5 hours to go  from one side to another and lots of self talk " you can do this, you can do this!!"
The fog started to  roll in and it was beautiful site.

Never in our life did we think we would be in our right minds and be this high in the air.

The clouds started to come in and I thought this picture was priceless.
This is a coal train that was about 100 cars long and I took this picture with the zoom lens.
How scary is this? I had to lean over the railing to take this picture and my heart was just a going!!
We had a marvelous time, it was not on our bucket list (only because we did not know about it). I would hands down recommend this adventure for every one.

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