Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sacramento-California state capitol 4.10.13

 When we left Desert Hot Springs we hit a nasty gusty wind storm, but we were steady and
 safe and we followed Jim and Lynda, and they did not lead us astray.

It was so fun to spend time with them!!

On the steps of California's state capitol located in Sacramento.

 The assembly room (our state refers to it as the House of Representatives)
 Interesting picture of Gerry Brown!!

 This picture of  George Washington hangs in the Senate.

 California state seal.

The stairwell and banisters were so stately and elegant. 

We had such fun, Jim and Lynda Anderson went to the state capitol with us.
 It was an amazing experience for us to have friends with us when we were doing "our thing"
 After a hard few hours of sight seeing we decided that we needed to fill our tanks at "Joe's"

 Clam chowder
Yummy!! fish and chips!!

 View from our table-draw bridge painted yellow
Different architecture.
We had such fun with Jim and Lynda and we are looking forward to our trip in the fall to the "ring of fire"
Tomorrow we head for Reno and Jim and Lynda continue to go north heading home to Hoodsport.

1 comment:

  1. You're getting closer! It's so much fun to follow your travels. What wonderful experiences you've had so far!
