Tuesday, October 8, 2013

New Mexico-Private Balloon Flights-another check off our bucket list!!10.7.13

I have had flying in a hot air balloon on my bucket list for years, but we either did not have the money or we were not in a place that offered rides. Well, on our trip to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta the opportunity presented itself. However, my Ron was unsure and decided he did not want to have the experience. I  made the reservations for myself, but after seeing the way the pilots handle the balloons he decided it was really an experience that he did want, he called, but the balloon was full.
In the morning we drove to a grocery store parking lot, I signed my release papers and we both helped get the envelope inflated. I had been visiting with my balloon mates (4 sisters and a brother-in-law) and in our conversation  we were telling them about  Ron changing his mind, but the balloon was full and there were no cancellations and everybody showed up.  A few minutes later the brother-in-law asked Ron if he would like to take his place! We were just stunned at his generosity and kindness. He said he had ridden in a hot air balloon before and he would gladly give up his place for Ron to have the experience. I immediately hugged him and had tears in my eyes. Of course we said "Yes".
First the envelope (balloon) is filled with air from huge fans.
When the envelope is pretty full, then the burners are turned on and the envelope fills up more with warm air. The envelope starts to rise and the basket is raised so it is standing.
The company that we flew with had 5 balloons going up that morning.
The balloon that we flew in is on the left and our pilot was Chuck.
We were on the second "flip". We helped prepare the first balloon and 6 people went on the balloon. We got in the chase vehicle and through radio communication we "chased" the balloon. When it landed in an hour and nine miles from their take off point the other people got out, we got in and took off.
Chase vehicle.
It was such a fun experience! No rocking and rolling and no sound except the sound of the hot air going into the envelope. I thought it would be scary, but it was not!! Our pilot Chuck was awesome, cool, calm and collected with a sense of humor.
 Our balloon mates- such nice sisters!!
Looking up into the envelope while in flight.
 Another balloon next to us.

 Balloons beneath us.
We had a smooth landing and then it was time to pack the envelope and the basket.
Removing the air.

Tucking the outside into the inside-further deflating the balloon.

 Stuffing the envelope into it's canvas bag.
 Sitting on the envelope bag to get more air out of it.
When we returned they had champagne for us in nice glasses(that we got to keep) and sweets. It was a once in a lifetime experience that I would highly recommend. 

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