Sunday, April 22, 2012

Leaving South Dakota heading toward North Dakota

Yesterday (4/21/12) our plan was to have a $.99 breakfast and then go play "black lite glow putt putt golf, but they were both closed for the season, so we came home and Ron fixed us french toast and my addition was fried Spam. Great breakfast at a reasonable price.

The alarm went off at 0615 this am (4/22/12) and we were up and at it, and ready to pull out of Heart Ranch SD at 0740. We are getting more organized and quicker as we go. We are sitting in  Bowen North Dakota after playing golf at a wonderful 9 hole course just out side of town. We are in a park, that when Ron called the man said-"if you want to put a couple of bucks in the mailbox, if not, that is OK too."  We have 50 amp, but no water or on sight dump site.

 The contrasting soil in North and South Dakota is amazing-from red to brown in an instant

 Mile after mile after mile of this prairie scenery in our travels today.

                                                  Can I make it? (yes I can!!)

My score was 15 strokes off today than it was in Montana and Ron's increased slightly-
 I like playing golf in North  Dakota!!!!!

Tomorrow we head for Bismarck, the capital of ND.

1 comment:

  1. When you stayed at Hart Ranch you were probably checked in by a friend of ours, Teresa Dighton. Her husband works at Bear Country, that's how we met them. Great folks. Now that you're gone, though, you may not remember her. I should have told you earlier! Have fun!
