Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Golf in Topeka, Kansas

Our drive today was very pleasent, minimal wind and no rain. We have been very successful using our phone GPS to guide us  to all our destinations. Today it gave us  a little extra ride for our money. Instead of going 1.5 mmiles on a dirt road, we had about 5 miles-but we made it safe and sound-the manager at the park said the all of the people that use a GPS go in the back way.
 Once we were setup, we decided to go play our round of golf for Kansas. The price was $10 dollars each-that says it all  for the condition of the course. We really had a great time-the weather was overcast-but really muggy and  windy. We both perspired so much our clothes just stuck to us. Certainly not a good look for either of us. Tomorrow we are heading into see the state capital-


  1. Hope you're saving all your score cards of the courses you're playing.

  2. Not as much fun as yours. Give Ron my regards.

  3. Come and meet us along the way.. stay in the rig with us and we will do some golfing-probably the best time would be in Florida in November or December or January- we will be in Texas. Please bring your wife too.Just let us know.

  4. I'll be in Fayetteville, North Carolina May 26-June 10. Where will you be by then?

  5. Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you, even in retirement we are so busy. We will be in Indiana and take a day trip to the capital of Kentucky and golf about the time you will be in NC. From the looks of the map we will be a long ways away. We played the oldest course west of the Mississippi yesterday in Iowa..It was tuff.
