Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Madison Wisconsin golf

It was a beautiful morning to play golf in Madison, Wisconsin.
The course was walkable with sand traps scattered through out. There was no one behind us and a slow twosome in front of us, so we were able to take our time and think about what we were doing. We both used our Golf Buddies and I learned how to keep score and to measure the distance of the balls I hit. (this tool must be wrong!! I know I hit it further than it stated)

 We are in tornado states now and this is a picture of a typical siren. The golf pro stated that it goes off every Wednesday at 1205 for testing, and it is so loud you can't hear the phone ring or talk on the phone in the pro shop.

This picture and the one below are the view from the 9th tee box,
water on each side, but with a wide amount of fairway in between.
However,  my ball was drawn to the water on the right..bye bye ball
My next shot was just beautiful-lots of air, good distance and you guessed it-into the sand. Ron was smiling the whole hole-he was not caught in the water or the sand..but it won't last forever!!
We had a fun round, the sweatshirts were reasonably priced
 and then we were off to Mexican food for lunch

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