Monday, June 25, 2012

LPGA golf tourament, Waterlool ON, Cananda

On June 9, 2012 we went into Waterloo, Ontario, Canada to volunteer for the LPGA tournament that was held in the Gray Silo golf course and was sponsored by Manualife  Financial. It was the inaugural LPGA golf tournament, so as with anything new it had many bumps, some big and some tiny. It was really fun and and Ron and I were  received with a warm welcome and told many times "thank you". We both met many wonderful folks that I know if we lived in that area that we could really connect to. But we can only hope  that some of the  special people will keep in contact with us. We handed out many of our "business" cards and hope to see some of our "new" friends in the future.

On Wednesday the 20th was a day where the cameras were allowed and Ron took a picture of part of the marshals and me and Christian (the other hole captain). She is sitting to my immediate right.
Every morning we would go the Volunteer Headquarters, check in, get our lunch tickets, radios and then catch the bus out to the golf course and walk to our designated  hole. 
We (Kathy and a stranger) rode on school buses-what a trip- we had our badges on, ball caps, radios, folding stools and a small collapsible cooler. We looked like nomads, the weather was in the 90s+ with humidly that high too. By the time we got home it was-cool down-shower and bed. We were even too tired for our nightly (small) bowl of ice cream!! Now that is tired!!

The only day that cameras were allowed was the Wednesday,  the  pro am day.

This was Ron's designated hole.-Can you believe I am in a baseball hat? (not my best look) but it was so-o-o hot I needed to keep the sun off my face and out of my eyes.

This a a famous golfer (but we forgot her name) She was no bigger than a minute and wow could she hit a golf ball.
This is Michelle Wie (another very famous lady golfer).
All in all it was a great experience, but I am glad to be back in the USA-we can use our cell phones, satellite TV and our computers.

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