Sunday, February 10, 2013

President Clinton library-Arkansas 2.10.13

We went to the Clinton Library this morning after a terrific thunder, lightening and rain storm
 I swear the thunder was right over our heads and the lightening was hitting really close!!
 Front of the Clinton Library
View from the 3rd floor looking out in the back.
President Clinton's bullet proof car.

The Arkansas Travelers were a group of Clinton volunteers that
went around the country supporting Clinton prior to his elections.
 The Clinton presidential place setting-absolutely beautiful.

 The view from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor. Those tall columns are
 airtight book shelves with binders with Clinton's important papers.
Chrystal Christmas tree done by the famous Chihuly glass sculpturer and presented to the Clinton's as a present.
A replica of Bill Clinton's oval office.

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