Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tuscon, Arizona 1.20.14 Our first attempt at stained glass

We went to our first ever stained glass class on Monday the 20th of January. Class went from 9-12 and from 1-4, it was very challenging for people that have 2 left hands. We met some really nice folks that were very encouraging. Our first project was a 5 inch in diameter sun catcher of a sunset. The class supplied all the material, the tools and the instructors. We did not realize what we were getting into, but at this point we are looking forward to getting underway on our first project. We have it ALMOST started. The tools on the right are specific to cutting and inscribing the glass. Many tools do almost the same thing, it is up to the artist (I mean that loosely for Ron and I) to choose what they are comfortable with. As of now, it is a pig in the poke for us, we do not have enough experience in any of the tools. Time (hopefully is on our side).

Our first job was to cut 1 pattern out and lay it in the round circle (above) Our second job was to cut the other pattern out and glue the different pieces to the appropriate colored glass. Then scribe the glass, take off the ruff edges with a grinder and set it over the pattern in the circle to see if it matches, if not, off to the grinder to take a bit off and then repeat until each piece fits.

When each piece is fit exactly, around each edge goes copper foil paper and then we take it to the soldering station. At the soldering station we paint the seams with flux that will make the solder  stick to the gold foil paper to make a seam. First time in my life I have ever soldered anything..and it came out OK, if I say so myself.

This is what it looks like after  the piece has been soldered and the round edge frame attached. After that process, we take it to another area and put black? on the soldered area, leave for 10 minutes, wipe off, wax and the WA LA the project is finished.


  1. How fun! Will you be making more designs?

  2. We have started our next project...A rhododendron flower in a glass fit for our rig door. It will be beautiful. Ron did all the measurements and I am, so far doing the leaves and then I will start cutting out the flower it self. How is Keith?
