Friday, April 13, 2012

Gillette, Wyoming

We arrived in Gillette, Wyoming about noon and parked in the "Big K" parking lot to spend the night. We are about 3 blocks from the freeway and 1/2 block from a main thorough fare. Hopefully the town will be quiet with no 911 calls. Once we got settled we went to see the Rockpile Museum. We had read about it, but what we read did not do it justice. It was a fascinating place to spend several hours. The museum had nothing to do with "rocks".  There was a complete history of the uranium and coal mines and the colorful ranchers in the area.

Once inside the door we were given the opportunity to have our pictures taken and we could not resist.

Finally a horse that I was not afraid to ride. Behind me were all handmade  bits and spurs for the horses and on the top shelf were old oil lamps that the pioneers used for light.

Not to be outdone, Ron wanted to ride tall too. The whole wall behind him and along a wall to his right we are some very old rifles. To my untrained eye they each appeared to be different. It was an amazing collection.
 It is now true for me to say that I led my honey around by the nose..

I am sure glad that the traveling/sleeping accommodations have improved in the last 100+ years

This bright colored wagon carried part of the cowboys gear that they were unable to carry for themselves-again-I am glad to be traveling in Winnebago.

The beautiful blue/orange horse was outside this fire departments front door. Just couldn't resist taking a picture. The man who ran the museum said that several years ago that 8-10 ? of these horses were brought into town and local artists were asked to decorate them and then they were sold and the money went to charity. The museum guy thought that the colors were indicative of the Denver Broncos.

Just down the street we discovered another one, outside this art center

The above painting was done on the arts center folding garage door. We thought the colors were beautiful.

Tomorrow we are heading for Rapid City, South Dakota to start 6 days of touring the Badlands.

1 comment:

  1. You are going to all our favorite places! The Black Hills are our very favorite. We are still residents of SD, have our licenses there, etc. Enjoy! I'll look forward to more pictures!
