Monday, April 23, 2012

South Dakota

In the last 24 hours we have had several "firsts".  We parked in the large campground with only 1 other rig-we were just settling in and (#1) a very long train went by-Ron said it was a couple blocks from us, but I swear it was less than a block, as you can see by the picture below there was nothing between us and the train. We only heard it 2 more times and if it went by in the middle of the night-we didn't hear it.

 As all rv'ers know each person has a job that they do while the other person is doing their job.
(#2) we wore  shorts and short sleeved shirts all day-

My job is to get the inside ready to travel and Ron's job is to do the outside. Before we left home we had our car alarmed so that if it was locked and someone pulled on the door handle the alarm would go off. During last night Ron heard the alarm, got out of bed and checked things out..Nothing!

 When we attach our car to the tow bar, we put the car in neutral and turn the key on. I was standing in the rig doing the dishes and heard this steady beeping and I couldn't figure out what it was. It never quit, so I went out to see what and where the noise was coming from WELL!!! in our haste to settle in-we forgot to put the car in park and (#3) turn the key off-DEAD BATTERY in the car and the alarm was making the noise, but we couldn't turn it off because the alarm is attached to the car battery.But-no fear!! we had a battery charger-but we did not know it had to be (#4)plugged in first to charge itself-well we did that and we were finally on our way. Once the charger was ready to go, Ron attached it to the car and yikes the alarm was loud and clear- Thank goodness the park was empty.

We stopped for gas and Ron figured out that for the first time ever we got (#5) 9.08 miles per gallon. We are trying hard to get the best gas mileage we can, including setting our cruise control at 55MPH. We're retired now and we do not need to be in a hurry-but most of the speed limits out here is 75MPH including 18 wheelers. We really look and are acting like poky gray haired people.

We missed our exit from the freeway, but that is nothing new. When we get to a campground, we unhook the car and Ron drives the car and stakes out where we are to park and I follow with the motorhome. That done-I put down the stabilizing jacks and he hooks up the power and I turn the satellite on and I was preparing to put out the slides . Ron came to the drivers side where I was standing and started to laught-(#6)"I parked you in the wrong place, we are supposed to be in space number 31and I parked us in 30 I was really glad, as you can see by the view we had when we were parked in 30..Gosh I am glad that this day is almost done, but we are safe and sound and still lovin our journey.

This is the backside of a wash/shower room and our winshield was 5 foot away.

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