Thursday, April 26, 2012

State capitol SD, Pierre

We set out with the sun shining and summer clothes on-mistake-within an hour of our departure the wind and rain were upon us. We went to the capitol and it was amazing-the wide front entrance and  the long stairs were the main entrance and was very impressive.


When the capitol was remodeled in 1932 and according to legend 66 Italians were hired to lay the  terrazzo floor tile. Artists often leave their signature in their art, in this case it was impossible to leave a personal signatures. Instead each artist was given a special blue stone for the artist to place somewhere at the artist's discretion.55 of the 66 have been found. It was fun for us to look for the stones-we actually found  6 of them.

This view was what we saw when we walked in-absolutely breathtaking

Across the street from the capital is the Veteran's Hall of Honor. The squares in the top back of the picture is the letter that each recipient received when they received the "Medal of Honor" . Unbelievable what each of our veterans did to receive this honor. We were in awe of the bravery and sacrifice that each man gave.

The rest of the afternooon we spent at the Peirre Heritage center. It was very interesting-some repeats of what we had seen, but lots of new artifacts for us to learn more about SD. We also each had haircuts... Not our ususal look but great for hot hot weather. On to Siox Falls tomorrow to spend the night in WALMART.

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