Sunday, April 15, 2012

This writer had a brain misfire-hopefully I am back on the right path

 We were disappointed, but we were not going to leave Sturgis without a picture of us and a motor cycle.

A nice young lady at a Harley store took our picture-she suggested the spot in the
 store and she said she took these type of pictures all the time.

Part of our plans today were  to go Spearfish and then go over the Spearfish Canyon scenic byway to end up a Deadwood and go thru a gold mine.

 At the time we started we didn't know that we were starting at 3657 feet elevation

It  started to snow on our way up the road.

These rocks  were absolutely beautiful-the darkest part of the rocks were black
 and made a beautiful contrast with the sandstone color of the other rocks

The further we went the snowier it got-
We did not realize that the top of the pass was 7100 ft.

Needless to say we turned around after seeing 2 cars over the bank and no cell service and there was no end of snow in sight. We drove back down slowly and went into Rapid City, did some shopping and then came back to the rig. Again we were lucky we got the car unloaded between heavy rain and wind.


  1. Hey guys...want to trade some of that cold weather for some of our New Orleans 80 degree? Those coats look hot but I'm sure they felt very good to you at 7100 feet. Be safe and enjoy. Love ya, Jim and Lynda

  2. All your photos are so familiar to us! Even the snow pictures! Love the Black Hills.
