Monday, April 16, 2012

Woke up this am to temperature of 34 degrees-but we did not put on long johns because we knew it warm up-WRONG-We froze all day long. Our first  official stop this am was in Keystone at the Big
Thunder Gold Mine...It was interesting but bordered on a trashy tourist trap.
 We arrived at Mount Rushmore about 12:15 and  did not leave until 15:15 we saw and read every thing we could. We each  rented audio sets that we listened to during our visit, we highly recommend doing that for this memorial. So far this morning was the highlight of our trip. We both were brought to tears on several occasions. It all was breathtaking-another item checked off our bucket lists

 Each state has this type of etching on a column and their state flag flying on the same column.

 This is a wild rocky mountain goat that was having lunch near the path that we were walking on.

                                     This is the view that the presidents are looking at.

                               The rock formations are so different than what we are used too.

 The Sculpture (Gutzon Borglum)  created this model to follow.
 Steps going up from our walk
A look at the steps going down. It was a healthy walk for both of us

This is a view of the flag pavilion as we were leaving.

                                                   Our next stop was Crazy Horse

Inside the visitors center was a huge Museum filled with old and new stuff. These are jars and jars of colored beads.

This is the model that the the sculture used for the  Crazy Horse.scuplure. He died in the
 80's and 7 of his 10 children are activiely carrying out his vision.

At the end of our visit at Crazy Horse-it started to snow...Will it never quit? Long Johns for sure tomorrow.

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