Thursday, May 17, 2012

Capital of Wisconsin, Madison

The day started out with such promise- touring the capital with some school children, we have done it several times without any problems. Today was a different story, as beautiful as this capital is, it was standing room only for most of the space. Instead of 2-3 groups of children it was 15+ groups-all very lively using their outside voices. We went on a tour but it was all but impossible for us to go alone and do our usual sight seeing.

These at  just the children that were in the tour that we were in.

Beautiful granite all the way through the building. We are in the rotunda.

Our "must' picture in the supreme court-we were not allowed to sit in the justices seats.
One of the glass ceilings.
There were  4 of these mosaic art works in the dome of the capital.
Each picture has a minimum of 10,000 mosaic tiles.
 This room is where the senate meets-the art work is absolutely beautiful.
The current governor is in the process of being recalled and the election will take place in
 approximately 3 weeks. (About the first week in June).
One of the  views from the observation deck in the capitol.

When we left the capital our next stop was the National Museum which was just across the street-but full of school children again and the same with the National Veteran's Museum. We walked down State street which reminded us of pike place in Seattle, had a cup of coffee and hot chocolate at a sidewalk cafe..such fun!!

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