Sunday, May 20, 2012

Trip from Wisconsin, Springfield Ill, state capitals and museum

On our way from Wisconsin (5/18/12) we passed our second toll road, it went smoother this time around. The first time we approached a toll road we went on the wrong side and we did not get the appropriate ticket. When we arrived to the booth to pay our money the attendant was really nice and  said it was not unusual for out of state people to not get a ticket.

 5/19/12-The museum in Springfield was awesome. It had a series of auditoriums with depicted different times of Lincoln's life. Each presentation was done with holograms, you were really not sure if the people or scenery was real or not. We spent almost 2 1/2 hours in the museum. Our next stop was the current capital-hoping that since it was Saturday we would not have big tour groups to compete-wrong-we were with 30-40 Russian immigrants that lived on the east coast-they only spoke Russian and certainly had different manners than we are used too.

 The capital was just beautiful-it was difficult to do alot of outside viewing because of the heat (90+degrees with 90+ humidity).

This capitol is in the midst of restoration and this wall is one of the first ones to be completed.
This art was under many coats of paint. I asked the guide why there were
only 2 names and 3 pictures and she didn't know. A mystery for sure.

The House of Representatives-this room caught my eye because the desks
 were the same wood as the walls-absolutely beautiful

One of the carved art work on the ceiling in the House of Representatives
View of the rotunda floor from the 4th floor.

One the most unique governor's offices we have seen yet-door locked so
we could not have our picture taken at his desk..
This is one of the original state capitals of Illinois that has been restored.
 During our visit down town there was a art fair and gay pride celebration. It was fun to see.
 We had our lunch of fresh walleye and deep fried!!! they were both delicious.

This was taken at the old capitol, in the House of Representatives.
One of our favorite pictures -sitting on the Illinois Supreme Court

Beautiful wood and marble staircase

We had another memorable day. 

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