Sunday, May 6, 2012

Trip from Jefferson City, MO to Grimes, Iowa

 These 2 pictures tell it all for the trip from Jefferson City to  Grimes-I was driving in this weather for about 1.5 hours-I have never seen it rain so hard, heard thunder so loud or seen lightening so close. The weather finally settled down when it was Ron's turn to drive. (wouldn't you know). After we checked into the RV park, right before we pulled away the man came out and said " we might have some severe weather tonight". My first question was "WHAT?'. He stated that we should listen to the radio or to the local TV and if we here that we are going to have a tornado, we are to go to the clubhouse-someone will be there to open the doors...SWELL-going to sleep with 1 eye open and both ears on.

1 comment:

  1. Keith lived near Jeff City for about 3 years. It was where he studied prior to going into Rescue work. He still has a very good friend there. Love your posts. Glad you were safe in that weather!
