Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 5, 2012-Civil war reenactment

We wanted this photo to be as authentic as it could be with the tents in the background..but a new pickup? Nope, so we asked the young man to take another picture. This day was really HOT-the predicted weather was about 91 degrees, but I am sure it was 191 degrees-We were smart-we wore hats, brought our lunch and chairs-but we forgot about the sun on our knees.
 It was a fun filled day and a high light of our stay in Missouri.

                                                            The Union is on the move.

 The weapons are resting before the battle.
The drummer boys are practicing before the battle

More Union marchers
Yours truly with the Union tent city in the background

 The battle field in the background
The Union Calvary
The battle has begun
Here come the Confederate Calvary
Load the Cannon George, it's the Rebels
Fire those cannons their getting close!!!
Thar's more like it!!!
 Oh no, their back!!!

 Don't just stand there fire!!!

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