Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Augusta, Maine

We arrived in Maine on Friday August 24th and we are staying at a KOA.
 It is a nice RV park with friendly people.
The Maine state house, compared to other state houses/capitals, that we have
 toured, was very plain and has not been restored to it's original state.
There was no one around to take our picture-so we had to go without
 a picture this time-First time in all our capital tours.
View from front of the state house on the second floor.
Maine state seal.
Behind us is the view from the picture taken from the second floor.
Marble staircase from the first floor to the second floor.
There was 2 gavels so we both got to hold a gavel this time
House of Representatives
Beautiful flowers and grasses on the way up the stairs to the front door of the capital.

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