Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Zip line in Maine

Today we both crossed a biggie off our bucket list. We went on a Zip Line. Before we went on the zip line, we went on a challenging obstacle course 10-12 ft in the air. I was so scared one of the guides needed to help me with encouragement on the first leg. I am not going to say it was easy..but it was a hoot once we got going!! 
 Here we are ready (?) to go up to the obstacle course. I was shaking nervous.
Here we go!! 



We stood on a platform and got hitched to the zip line-
sat down and we were going before we knew it we were zippin!!

We had a great time and we both agreed we are hooked!! Bring on the really long tall big ones! 
After our eventful morning, we drove to Booth Bay for lunch at the Lobster Dock. The food was good, but was not presented well enough to take a picture of. We sat outside and enjoyed the smell of the salt water and the wind blowing and of course the fresh blueberry pie.

On the way home after lunch we stopped at Edgecomb Potters. The items in this store were all hand made by artists and the prices proved it. It was absolutely delightful to see so much beauty in one place.

 During our journey we have had several different soft drinks indigenous to the area we are in and will buy several and then split them for a "special drink". Until today we did not have any "special drink glasses". After we left the pottery store we stopped at a glass blowing business and bought 2 beautiful hand glass blown glasses for our drinks.

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