Monday, August 13, 2012

Lunch, drive to the Cape and golf in MA

On Saturday August 11th we went to lunch at the Gateway Tavern and Grill and it was one of the best out to lunches we have had yet. We had deep fried Haddock and home made onion rings- it was a fun tavern and it was really busy with all kind of families, from the outside it looked so so, but from the inside it was decorated uniquely with antiques and artwork that depicted the surrounding area.

On Sunday we took a drive in the rain to the Cape, instead of calling
 them round abouts like WA state does, they are called a Rotary.

On Monday the 13th we  played golf-it was a beautiful course and spent time on the front 9 with 2 retired men that were a hoot. They knew the course well and helped (?) us with yardage and how to play the course. On the back 9 we played with a couple that were about our age-he talked non-stop and was helping his wife with every stroke.. But we had a great time!!

This "ball rack" was on the approach to the first tee. This course does not take tee times during the week. When you go to the first tee you put your ball in the rack. When your ball is at the bottom your up. We didn't have a clue, until someone told us.
We drove by this sign and the trough with water below several times
 and I thought it was so cool I had to take a picture.

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