Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Hampshire

We arrived in New Hampshire on Tuesday August 14th after an eventful ride through the Senator Tip O'Neil tunnel. I was driving and all three lanes were bumper to bumper and the middle lane (which  started to really slow down for no apparent reason). I slowed to about a crawl and the traffic in front of me started to go to the left or the right and I could not see an accident or anything in the road. The object was not in the road, there was a camera about 14-18 inch square that was hanging right in front of Ron's face, needless to say, I stopped put my blinker on and waited for some one to let me change lanes-not happening-so in typical east coast fashion I started to turn into the left lane-"and the waters parted", I was sure nervous, but you gotta do what you gotta do. It was quite a day for my driving skills. That night on the Boston news they said a semi-truck hit two overhead signs and caused a long delay. The police were checking the working cameras in the tunnel to find the truck.
Our GPS was talking and had done a good job getting us from point A to point B-but we turned on our designated road and yikes-it was not passable for us at all and we had to find a different route to our campground!! What a fun day for us!!

We arrived safe and sound, just before the rain started.

On Wednesday the 15th we woke to thunder and loud big rain drops, but by the time we were ready to go the temp was 77 degrees with 57% humidity and sunny, so we headed to the state house in Concord.

We met Romano Scaturro on our way into the capital. On April 20,2012 he left Juneau, Alaska to embark on a first ever 50 year old man to travel to all 50 state capitals using only human powered means of transportation without any outside support. He traveled from Juneau in a Kayak for 3 days and has been on his bicycle every since. When he completes the lower 48 he will row from California to Hawaii. He is quite the character and we really enjoyed talking to him and we are going to follow his blog. We wished him good luck and went into the capital for a self guided tour. To learn more about his journey you can follow him at

This is the first working phone booth we have seen since forever!!located in the state house

 New Hampshire has 400 representatives that sit in their chairs and vote
 from their chair-no desks provided and their salary is $200.00 a year.

In the state house gift and visitor center was a collection
of political buttons from the"I like Ike" to the modern day

The senate chambers taken from the visitor gallery

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