Thursday, August 16, 2012

McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, NH

On Thursday the16th of August we went to the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center and Planetarium just outside Concord NH. Neither one of us had ever been to this type of place. It was very interesting, although it was geared toward children. When we arrived I asked the young woman at the desk when the observatory was open and she stated that it did not usually open until 1pm but she would asked if someone could open it for us.

This Red Stone was 82 feet tall and was the vehicle that put Alan Shepard into space.

A short time later a Discovery Center volunteer came up to us and asked if we would like to see the setting up of the telescopes and the opening of the dome. We gladly accepted. It was fascinating and looked to be very complicated from our perspective.

Ron is looking at the sun through the telescope that was all automatic.

I am looking through a smaller telescope that is stronger and is manually set-up.

New Hampshire's state moto.

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