Saturday, September 15, 2012

Arcadia National Park, Bar Harbor, Maine

On Thursday the 13th of September I was at the laundromat in the process of doing 5 loads of laundry and Ron was at the mall buying some much needed clothes pins. Ron called me and stated that the RV park that we were in said we were late checking out!! Wow! we messed up, we thought we were supposed to check out on Friday. We hurried home and got ready to leave, completely forgetting that our daughter/son-in-law was sending us our mail to the address in Bangor. We made record time and we were on the road by 1230 and arrived at our new "address" at about 2PM. When we arrived the lady at the desk was talking to the lady at our old address and was asking if they would accept our mail if they forwarded it.. Sure enough it arrived within 30 minutes of our departure. Yikes!! what a day.
Our main reason for staying so long in Maine is to see the fall leaves turn color, but so far, we have only seen very few trees that are changing just a bit. A big disappoint so far. But we have until October the 3rd.. hopefully the cold weather will start soon and the fall colors will start.
Our first tour in Bar Harbor was Acadia the National Park, Friday the 14th of September. It was a beautiful drive through out the park, but if the truth were known, it looked just like Washington state with the Oregon coast line. Below is Bar Harbor.
 Behind us is "Sand Beach"-looks just like the beach at Ocean Shores.
These particular rock formations were just beautiful and very different from the West coast.
This point is "Seal Point" 
 A closeup of a cruise ship in the harbor.

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