Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Eastport, Maine-in hunt of fall foliage

 We arrived in this campground on Friday the 21st of September looking for the fall colors. We never did find any significant amount of trees turning color so we headed south on the morning of the 25th of September. We were so close to Canada that we did not have cell or WiFi without it costing us significant $. The RV campground that we stayed in had wonderful views and it was quiet and almost empty.
It was so nice to be so close to the water-it smelled and looked like home. 
 This is the view from the side door side of the rig.
 This was the view from the front of the rig.
This is the view from the dining room window.
When we stepped out of the rig to the right, this was our view. The tides were unbelievable-in the area where we were, the low tides were 40 square  miles of beach 2 times daily. 
We toured this mustard factory, it is the only mustard made with no preservatives and does not need to be refrigerated after it is open. We actually saw it stone ground.

The above statue and the dock is in downtown Eastport, Maine (the most eastern city in the US) 

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