Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day weekend in Maine

We arrived at this RV park on Friday August 31, 2012 and we will leave on September 14th, 2012. This is the first time on our journey that we will be in one place for this long without anything pressing to do. If we see Bangor good, if not well OK. We are both looking forward to just "Doing nothing" or whatever for a couple of weeks. I am trying to stay up later and sleep later now that I am retired. Going to bed early and getting up early are a hard habit to break.
 This is a beautiful RV park and is set up for adults, no swings, pools, basketball courts etc. The only goal that we have here is to get back in the habit of walking 60 minutes every morning and eating in more. It feels good to have the time to cook and be a  little bit more creative than I have been in the past. I certainly am not the cook that my 2 best girlfriends are, -but I am making progress.(M and L)

I love this sign and for those of us that are not dog lovers it is just perfect!!

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