Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Butterfly Conservetory, Niagara Ontario

On the afternoon of Tuesday June 26th we went to the Butterfly Conservetory-The inside had the temperature, humidty and plants of a jungle. The butterflys were flying all over the place-different colors, sizes and shapes, it was amazing to see a butterfly every where we looked. There were many park rangers in the inside so that we talk to about the various butterflys. They are imported from different parts of the world as larve and once they are butterflys their life span is only 2-3 weeks.

These are just a couple of the different butterflys that we saw.  It was just amazing.

                This butterfly wanted to spend some time with Ron.

So many different plants and waterfall with  differnt butterflys it was hard to  pick the pictures we wanted to share. The picture below of the blue butterfly is a bit fuzzy, but we really wanted a picture of a blue one, they were tons of them, but hard for us to get a picture of.
Such a striking colored butterfly!!

Three different butterflys feeding off the same feeder.

Kathy's friend

We had another amazing day on our journey. 

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