Monday, July 16, 2012

New park in New Jersey and a day in Philadelphia

 We were shocked when we saw all the different freeway direction signs, it takes both of us to get to where we are going. While one is driving the other one is reading and interpating the GPS. We have been very lucky, we have traveled safe with very few wrong turns.

We arrived on Sunday July 15th  and the temperature was in the upper 90's and we had to set up the motor home in stages.

The view from our rig-too bad it is so darn hot that we can't sit outside and enjoy it.
 We went into Philadelphia for the day and started with this bus tour, we thought the bottom of the bus was air conditioned, but no.. So we sat on the top where at least we had the breeze. It was very informative and we saw sights that we would have not seen otherwise. Again, it was in the upper 90's and so we did not do the walking and looking that we normally do.

Joan of Arc 

The 2 ladies were taking these little tots for a walk-they were holding onto a rope as they walked

We asked several people where we could eat a real Philly cheese steak sandwich and "Sonny's" was the place. The cooks prepared the sandwich's as you ordered them. We ordered our "Combo, with onions, peppers and cheese whiz" and by the time I got back from the washing my hands, it was ready and sitting on our table. It was the absolute best and the french fries were to die for!! a real thumbs up!!

In colonial times each house was taxed on the width  and the number of windows in each home. That black item was used to see when the tax collector was on your street-if you saw him you would knock on the walls and warn your neighbors to pull their shutters closed-so you appeared to have less windows

Beautiful statues all over downtown Philadelphia. Well, off to see the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall tomorrow.

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