Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pennsylvania capitol, Harrisburg and Hersey

We had an exciting time getting to the capital of Pennsylvania (Harrisburg) on Monday July 1-We dutifully followed our GPS on the phone and turned up the wrong way on a one-way street. Got ourselves right again with going the correct way and crossed a bridge that put us in an unsavory part  of town. Finally we arrived at the capital. It was a gorgeous building that was ornate in it's design and the artwork, marble staircases and furnishings were unbelievable and we took the 30 minute tour. The building itself deserved a 45-60 minute tour-at a minimum.
The tour guide stated that this was one of the only capitals that had electricity right from the start. They did not need to convert from gas. The lighting was breathtaking.
The gallery from the senate-that is the closest we could get
Stained glass in the ceiling of the house of representatives, created by a  man that was trained by Tiffany-there is a dome above this dome to protect the stained glass. 

The Supreme court of Pennsylvania is still held in this office.

The marble was just beautiful-

After our visit at the capital we took a ride to Hershey Pennsylvania. We had fun despite the hordes of screaming little children (I am sure it was partly due to the sugar high/low thing going on). It was a different way to spend a Monday afternoon.

We took a 1 hour trolley tour of the town and it was quite entertaining-there was singing-eating of candy, history of the town of Hershey, more candy eating and more singing.
We are a happy couple (surrounded by candy) We ate more and bought more candy than we have in the last 3 years.. Guess that is part of retirement?

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