Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day in Orlando, Fl 2012

We arrived in Orlando Florida on Friday the 20th. We are staying in a Thousand Trail park and we really like all the amenities. On Christmas morning I opened up the curtains and then the door, and in the sky there were 8-10 hot air balloons that were floating above the RV park. It was so cool, it was so quiet that we could only hear the propane blowers swishing softy. It was a memorable way to wake up on Christmas day, so far away from family and friends.


Early on in the weekend we decided that we needed to do something different this year for Christmas Day. There are many tourist stores that state they are selling "big discounts tickets" for all the Disney attractions. When we were registering the people in the office said to stay away from those kind of places because they do not stand behind their tickets. We were told to go to Wal-Mart  or buy the tickets on line. Wal-Mart was a stop we needed to make anyway, and we are so thankful that the park staff sent us there. A delightful Mexican man named Angel was so helpful and full of good ideas. He suggested that we go to the movies,  and have dinner while we were there. Gave us the name of where we could go and the directions to get there.

 Ron went on line and we picked out the movie, time and  where we wanted to sit. The cinema was located in Downtown Disney  and we decided to go down early and check it out. My oh my!! waaay too many children, grandparents, parents and "Others" . The place was wall to wall people. We really understand now, why we have been told to wait until after the 5th of January, (the children etc should be going back to school and the adults back to work.) to go to the theme parks.

 I couldn't decide which picture I liked better so I put both in!!


 We decided on a 1:30 showing of "Jack Reacher" with Tom Cruise. It was a great movie, prior to the movie we ordered lunch and it was served to us at our movie seats. It was a fun experience and we are talking about going again on New Years Eve day or New Years day.

We each had fish and chips and the food was excellent.

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