Friday, January 11, 2013

Universal Studio-day 2

We spent most of Wednesday the 9th of January at Universal Studio, the Adventure Land side. First thing we dashed to Harry Potters Castle to stand in line for a ride that tipped us upside down-side to side  and going backward at speeds that kept our heads spinning. It is the most popular ride at Universal Studios. We got there early enough that we only had to wait in line about 45-60 minutes!! By the time we got done the line was 6 times longer than when we started. We made a fatal mistake-no breakfast!! We were both a little nauseated  when we  finished, so we decided to go to breakfast.
It was so crowded in Harry Potter Land, it was dodge,
 in around people the whole time we were there.
We went to breakfast at one of the restaurants  in Harry Potter land!!! Yikes it was expensive !!
We learned our lesson, always eat breakfast before you go on rides!
 Another view of the Harry Potter's Castle
The line for Butter Beer was long-but we wanted to taste it anyway. It tasted
 like slushy caramel, it was good, but 1 time was enough for both of us.

Betty Boop-she was so fun and cute!!!
The buildings were so colorful and fun to look at!!

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