Monday, January 7, 2013

Universal Studio-Florida-Day 1

We left bright and early this am and headed toward Universal Studios. We are so thankful for our smart phones with the GPS. We have often said without "gracie" we would still be wandering around in Montana. When we arrived the weather was cool and a slight breeze.  The people that worked at Universal said it was a "really slow day", thank goodness we went on a slow day, I can't imagine what it was like over the holidays. From the time we got in line and  finished the 3D experience or the ride it was about 55-60 minutes. We could have paid $55 each for the express pass, which would have put us at the head of the line but!!! we did not!! after all we are retired and have all the time in the world. But.....
The Universal Christmas tree was just beautiful!!
 At soundstage 50  we were on a bus that simulated
 being caught in a big earth quake,
 could have sworn it was a real earthquake.

 This was a pristine yellow cab-it reminded us of all the yellow cabs we saw in New York City.
 The one thing I forgot this morning was my ear plugs-rest assured I will have them tomorrow. We stopped and listened to these Blues Brothers-Oh My Gosh they were so loud-but really entertaining and fun to watch and with my hands over my ears-they even sounded great!!

This car was the "ride" that the Blues Brothers used to and from their performances.


 We were waiting for the parade to start and it was announced it was cancelled related to the rain.

 Yikes! did it start to rain which signaled to us it was time to head home-We dressed for 70-75degrees and it was  barely in the 60's.

Depending on the weather-we will be back!!

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