Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arkansas's duck walk-Peabody Hotel 2.12.2013

The manager of the park said their was an 80 year tradition of " ducks walking" at the downtown Peabody Hotel that was a "must see". The ducks are housed in the second floor of the hotel in a duck "sanctuary". At 11am the duck master tells a story of how the tradition started in the Memphis Peabody Hotel. Hunters in the old days would bring live ducks and put them in a pond to draw more ducks to the pond. Some Tennessee hunters did that and it did not work so they brought the live ducks back to the Peabody Hotel in Memphis and put them in the indoor fountain pool. They were really drunk and thought for sure that the ducks would be gone by morning-they were still there in the morning and word spread and brought in many travelers and increased the hotel business. It evolved very shortly as the "duck walk". After the story is told the "duck master" goes up to the second floor and brings the ducks down the elevator and onto the red carpet where they walk on the carpet-go up the steps and hop into the fountain. The whole process is reversed at 5pm and the ducks walked back to the elevator, taken to the second floor for the night,  and put in there sanctuary. It was so fun and something we have never seen.

Another unique adventure for us!!

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