Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Firemen Museum and Memorial Oklahoma 2013 2.14.13

I have been fighting with my computer and the blogspot webpage for days!!-I could not get my pictures to load, so I called the Geek-squad and spent 2 hours with "Eric" and finally he figured out
 that Internet explorer was kicking me off. He turned on Google Chrome and I am back in business.
 Hopefully I will be able to publish the blog now shorty after we have had the adventure.

The Firefighter Museum was across the street from the Softball Museum and that made it really easy and convenient for us although we did not know that until the GPS said we were there. I must have put it in several times and it kept saying we were at our destination..and once we started to look around it was across the street!! another funny story to tell on ourselves.


There was many beautifully maintained old fire engines. The museum is maintained by working and retired firemen, including the cleaning and answering questions about the fire equipment.

The mural was hand painted by a couple and it took 
over a year and their pay was room and board only.

The firemen who was guiding us stated that the horses were calmed down by the Dalmatian dog.

One of the fire chiefs collected fire districts patches and his widow gave them to the museum after he passed. They are all cataloged and placed on 3 full walls from floor to ceiling.

On the outside of the building there is a memorial for the fallen and living firefighters

Loved this!!!

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