Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Oklahoma Banjo Museum and Clydesdale farm

We had a busy day! After the Firefighters museum we went to the Banjo Museum in down town Austin, Texas. Neither one of us new any thing much about banjo's. The people that worked?volunteered? were absolutely helpful and full of interesting facts.

We saw very old and very new banjo's-worth anywhere from $1200- $150,000.

All of them were so beautiful they looked like pieces of art.

Many different sizes, brands and string configuration. 

We met the Chairmen of the board and he offered to let us touch and hold a banjo and we certainly could not turn him down. We were surprised on how heavy this banjo was.

After lunch at the Spaghetti Warehouse we went to a Clydesdale
 farm. Unbelievable on how huge these horses were.

This  above Clydesdale was made of horseshoes.
This is the back of the trailer and the picture below is the front.

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