Friday, February 8, 2013

Mississippi's Old and New Capitol

We always look on the Internet prior to going to any state capitol to see what time the tours start or if any are even given. The information on the  capitol in Mississippi stated that the first tour was at 9:30, so we drove into Jackson and saw that the House of Representatives and the Senate were in session. We walked in the entryway and yikes the whole place was full of suits and dressed up ladies.
The tour director said we could hook up with either one of 2 tours of college kids. We decided to go with the striking blonde, who looked to be about our age,  who happened to be the vice president of operations at Meridian Community College. (The college kids were all in advanced honor students.)She readily agreed to us tagging along. She knew most all the Representatives and the Senators and introduced us to all that she talked too. We were unable to take any pictures in either the house or the senate, but we observed the start of each session. Imagine our surprise when were introduced at the beginning of each session and our journey explained. It was such an honor and afterward when we saw any of the folks, they said hello and had kind things to say and welcomed us to their state. Mississippi by far has been the friendliness  state so far.
These are the students we hung out with. Really nice polite kids and
really showed an interest in our travels and all that we have seen.

When were done with the tour, a group was setting up in the entryway a lunch
and we were invited. It was really good, I had spinach and mushroom quiche
and Ron had cheese and ham quiche and we both had fruit and Caesar salad.
 Our next stop for the day was the old capitol.
Capitol is the building and capital is the city!! Yikes I never knew!!
Governor's office

House of Representatives 
It was such a fun day!!

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