Friday, February 22, 2013

San Antonio, Texas day tour

We left this morning at 8 am from our RV park,  on a bus tour of San
 Antonio-what a great way to see the city and meet other travelers. It 
was a long day, but very entertaining and educational. We arrived back 
at the rig around 5 pm and are watching  the LPGA tournament in 
Thailand. We taped it so we would not miss are our favorite player Amy Yang.

The famous Alamo-we were not able to go into the chapel, because the governor's nephew was going to read a historical letter. As you can see the set-up has just started and later it was standing room only-Oh well! we saw the grounds with many loud school children.

It was supposed to be in the upper 60's/lower 70's and we wore shorts. Just about froze to death!!

 The missions that we visited are all recreations, all of them fell into 
disarray and were only saved  and recreated by the Daughters of the
 Revolution and then turned over to the state as Historical Parks. 

Old painting in the chapel.

This cowboy said he was from New Jersey-He never 
did smile!! He acted pinched just like he looked.

They are many horns in this museum, to get the amount of horns, the original owner said that any one that brought in horns would a get a shot of whiskey. Well that kept the supply up!!

 This deer had 47 antlers

This deer is made of rattles from rattle snakes..

Ron liked this shirt!!
(Hand made with real Texas cow chips)

A collection of ranger badges from years past, each one is a piece of art and history.

Ron's favorite dessert is bread pudding and this restaurant is known for it's German bread pudding.

It was a wonderful brunch in an elegant setting!!

Each one of these desserts looked irresistible- but I did resist.

I only had a small bread pudding and small serving of homemade strawberry ice cream.Yum Yum!!

Part of our tour was a boat ride along the River Walk. 
Our boat captain was entertaining and we really enjoyed our selves.


Our last stop was a beautiful Chinese garden.

Another day of wonderful memories for us!! Golf in Texas tomorrow!!

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