Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Senora Caves, Texas 2.24.13

On our way to the Senora caves we had to stop and get gas!!Wow! we sure had sticker shock. On the way from the Senora caves to our over night stay in Van Horn Texas. The trip was the worst day yet traveling, the wind was horrendous, at times we could only go 40 mph. We were all over the road at times and no where to pull over. We stopped near the end of our day, got fuel and parked for the night. When Ron figured out the gas mileage, we got 5.2 miles per gallon that day.  We usually average between 6.5-7.5 and on occasion we have gotten 8.

These caves were absolutely beautiful. We took a 2 hour guided tour and spent the night
 at the RV park. Bare basics at the park-but we had power and we were off the freeway.

This formation is called "popcorn"

This  picture is of "Helix" formations.

Stalactites and stalagmites

There were many peacocks just out side the gift shop and the caves entrance prancing around.

Another great adventure-still heading west.

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