Monday, March 4, 2013

Arizona state capitol 3.4.13

The Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix was OK, it was really not like any capitol we
 have seen. It was very unique-nothing fancy or ornate. In fact it was very plain 
and was not restored to it's original,  like most of the capitals we have seen. 
I am glad we saw it, but we would not go back for a second look.

This the view when you look up.

From the 4th floor this is looking down on the chandaliar and the state seal.

On the 2nd floor they had 4 of this type of statue with explanations.
 I thought this one was the most interesting

We were able to walk in the House Chamber, but the senate chamber was closed tight.

One more capital down!!

Afterwards we met Bill and Linda Pfahler (friends from Wenatchee)  and walked to a Mexican Restaurant  for lunch. The food was ok, but we had so much fun visiting-we talked non-stop for 3 hours. We are looking forward to golfing and spending time with them in July in Wenatchee.

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