Monday, May 19, 2014

April 24, 2014 Puntarenas, Costa Rica

We took a tour that was called "Discover Costa Rica", it was fun and very informative. We took a bus tour through the city and then took a train ride in an antique train through the country side.  The train had no  air conditioning, but it had the most beautiful wood ceilings and walls. We made our way through the mountains, the country side was so dry and the cows were so thin that there ribs were hanging out. That part of the country was also populated with farms and inhabited by very poor families. It was very sad to see mom's doing the laundry in a bucket with a scrubber and doing dishes outside in a dishpan. The clean(?) laundry was hung over fence posts and tree limbs.

The fence posts are made of tree branches and then strung with wire.
After we finished our train ride, our bus was waiting and the tour guide narrated about the country side. Then we went on a river cruise. The only thing that put a damper on the river cruise was the high heat and the extremely high humidity.

Thick jungle was on both sides and we saw many different type of animals.

After we were finished with our river cruise we were served a buffet of fresh pineapple, watermelon and banana's. The fruit was tree and vine ripened and tasted  so good.. Of course around every corner was a gift shop-even in the jungle near the river. Our bus was on a dirt road for a few miles to get us down and back from the river cruise and dusty!! you can't believe. So along with the high humidity and the dust we were ready for a shower when we returned to the ship.
The walk from the bus to the ship was a long one, but the walk and the trip were well worth it.

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