Thursday, September 27, 2012

Traveling 1044 miles in 3 days

We left Eastport, Maine at 8:30 on Tuesday the 25th of Sept and arrived in Milton, WV at about 3pm and 1044 miles.  It was a long 3 days full of all kinds of weather and some really bad traffic and a few loving?words between my honey and myself..I would not recommend this type of travel, but it was something that we felt like we had to do. We were on several different freeways that stated to watch out for heavy truck traffic and yikes that was an understatement-we were defiantly outnumbered and so were the cars. We were going 55MPH and those trucks passed us like we were standing still.

We left this morning before day light and we definitely won't do that again and of course it started to rain which compounded the trouble with the visibility.

The Cumberland mountains had some real potential to be beautiful, but the rain and fog ruined our photo ops.

We finally saw our fall foliage through the fog and rain, the colors were breathtaking.


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