Monday, July 9, 2012

Annapolis Naval Academy

We had planned to play golf today, but it thundered and rained all night and the rain continued into the am. We decided to go into Annapolis for breakfast and tour the naval academy. We had the best breakfast, I had "crab clumps" that was made like Egg Benedict's, but with crab. The food was wonderful, and we met a very nice friendly couple that were retired produce farmers and distributors. They lived in Rhode Island and had flown in yesterday to pick up their Mercedes Benz and drive it home. The car was a 1985, but what a beauty!!!

We were lucky to find a seat, shortly after we sat down there was standing room only-Every morning at 8:30 am the manager asks every one to stand and say the pledge of allegiance-it was an amazing experience-there was not a person sitting and more than one person had a tear in their eye.

We took a tour and I need to say that the gentleman was a graduate of the academy, but he really needed to retire from giving tours-his age had caught up with him. We finished the tour and went back for a self guided tour. The campus is  unbelievable-no frills-but very stately.
Basketball court and on the second level all of the states flags are hanging alphabetically.

The steps going into the catholic church

Largest college dorm in the United States-
Entry way into the dorms

First year students called plebes

Navy's mascot is the goat!

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