Saturday, February 16, 2013

Oklahoma capitol-Oklahoma City

We visited Oklahoma's state capitol on February 14, it was a beautiful day, but really cold. 
This is a replica of the "Guardian" atop the capitol. The one of the top
of the capitol is 261 ft 9 1/2 inches tall  and weighs 5980 lbs.
 The woodwork and the ceilings of the supreme court were absolutely gorgeous.
Dome of the capital-the interesting part is in the center of the dome, is the state seal.
 This is the first time we had seen that in all of the capitols that we have seen.

Most all of the art in the capital is not original-we thought the ballerina's were just beautiful

 We were unable to take very many pictures, the house and the senate were
in session and there were many many school children standing and talking.

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